Gaslighting redditor caught in 4K after disparaging shorter guys

Short Squire
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Gaslighting redditor caught in 4K after disparaging shorter guys
post #1

She Gaslights Shorter Guys Saying Their Personality Is The Problem | Height Shaming | Short Kingz | Short Guys | Short Men

She Gaslights Shorter Guys Saying Their Personality Is The Problem | Height Shaming | Short Kingz | Short Guys | Short Men

She Gaslights Shorter Guys Saying Their Personality Is The Problem | Height Shaming | Short Kingz | Short Guys | Short Men

Caught like a deer in headlights. It's almost ingrained in some people to victim blame and then take a virtuous position.

The guy in question here showed exactly what happens in real life sometimes. Talk smack when no one is looking and then deny when confronted.